Oral Surgery 1 + 2, Radiology

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Instructors: Dr. Ira Luskin FAVD, Diplomate AVDC / EVDC, Dr. Inshil Kim MBA, Diplomate AVDC

Sponsoring Organization: RACE Approval 24 CE
Program Location: Animal Dental Training Center Towson Maryland
Dates: 02/07/2025 to 02/09/2025
Format: Interactive Lecture / Wet Lab
Wet-Lab: Yes
Cost: $3975.00

AVDC Sponsored: No
"AVDC Sponsored" indicates that the program content and presenters have been selected by the AVDC Education and Programs Committee.

AVDC Approved: No
"AVDC Approved" indicates that the program has been approved by AVDC for specialist training hours for AVDC-registered residents.

Discipline(s): Oral Surgery, Radiology

Oral Surgical Course Section Overview: Tips & tricks in performing difficult surgical extractions, vascular transpositions, commissurotomies. Tenets of oncologic surgery and orthopedic stabilization in fracture repair. 

Session 1. Objective: Using a multitude of clinical images we start by first quantifying what is considered normal oral anatomy in both dog and cats. We than pair the clinical pathological presentation of what the practitioner sees in an oral exam with that of its radiographic finding. After which we discuss the equipment, materials and technique in getting good images. Class participants will effectively learn how to recognize normal versus abnormal disease states and employ current techniques in treatment.


*Friday Session 1 Topic: Oral Pathology / Oral Radiology (seminar)

Start Time of Session: Friday   8:15a.m.

Stop Time of Session: Friday 12:15 p.m.

Total hours of CE: 4 hours of CE

Method of Delivery: (Interactive Seminar Lecture)

Subject Matter:

 Origins of Oral Dental Disease Familial vs. Acquired Lesions

Pathology of Tooth #’s, Form & Position

Jaw Growth Abnormalities & Classification of Malocclusions

Oral Soft Tissue Acquired Abnormalities

Periodontal Disease, Trauma, Endodontic Disease

Congenital and Neoplastic Disease

Radiographic Equipment and Materials

Radiographic Techniques


Session 2. Objective:  The laboratory will consist of 8 stations. 4 stations of shooting radiographs, 4 stations of interpretation. The participants are grouped and proceed through the stations alternating between shooting and interpreting. Each of the shooting stations are either on cat or dog cadavers or skulls with specific assigned views that the participants need to be able to position for. The interpretive stations are designed to challenge the participant’s diagnostic skills and treatment recommendations


*Friday Session 2 Topic: Oral Pathology / Oral Radiology (lab)

Start Time of Session: Friday  1:00 p.m.

Stop Time of Session: Friday  5:00 p.m.

Total hours of CE:4 hours of CE

Method of Delivery: (Wet Lab Techniques & Interpretation of Oral Radiography and Pathology)

Subject Matter: Hands-on techniques in capturing and understanding images and evaluation of clinical cases from clinical images and their radiographic presentation


Session 3. Objective: The interactive morning lecture in Oral Surgery I will cover clinical indications for extractions in dogs as it relates to disease and it’s treatment. The decision making necessary during an oral exam to be able to assess the extent of the disease and to properly give options to the client as to the necessity for extractions will be covered. The instrumentation and equipment will be explained and ergonomics of oral surgery and safety will be discussed. Techniques for extractions of the fours major teeth will be explained though graphics and video clips. 


*Saturday Session 3 Topic: Surgical Extractions in the Dog

Start Time of Session: Saturday 8:15a.m

Stop Time of Session: Saturday 12:15p.m

Total hours of CE: 4 hours of CE

Method of Delivery:  ( Interactive Seminar Lecture

Subject Matter:

·       Indications for Exodontia

·       Retained teeth, Interceptive Ortho, Impactions, Disarming, Treatment for CUPS in dogs

·       Procedures for surgical extractions of the canine teeth, maxillary and mandibular  premolars and molars

·       Instrumentation and Materials for Exodontia

·       Dealing with Complications of Surgery


Session 4. Objective:  Through the use of video footage, the techniques incorporated to surgically extract various dog teeth are explored. These videos which are captioned are played during the laboratory so that the participants can pattern their own approaches to extractions after the step by step analysis shown on the videos. The self exploration of one’s techniques are evaluated by the instructor in order to minimalize operator and patient harm and the successful outcomes of the extraction are achieved by the doctor. This 4-hr wetlab will enable the practitioner to have adequate time to incorporate what was learned to successfully extract the 4 most demanding teeth in dogs Since it is anticipated that the cadavers will have variations of age and size, the extractions will vary in degrees of difficulty which will challenge the doctors. Out of which the instructor will discuss modifications of approaches to achieve success. 


*Saturday Session 4 Topic: Laboratory on dog cadaver specimens

Start Time of Session: Saturday 1:00 p.m

Stop Time of Session:  Saturday 5:00 p.m

Total hours of CE: 4 hours of CE

Method of Delivery:  (Hands-on Laboratory)

Subject Matter: Extractions of the following teeth: maxillary canine, mandibular canine, maxillary fourth premolar, mandibular first molar

·       Selection of the appropriate highspeed burs for sectioning and bone reduction

·       Proper mucosal flap design and tension release

·       Bone reduction and expansion of the periodontal ligaments

·       Elevation techniques and instrumentations

·       Appropriate suturing of mucosal flap closures. .


Session 5. Objective: In this interactive lecture and wet lab the participants are exposed to the rationales behind deciding to extract teeth in cats. The anatomy of the tooth and it’s adjacent structures are emphasized so the veterinarian’s approach to a surgical removal of teeth have a specific methodology. The most common extraction complications are discussed with their appropriate handling using select video techniques of extractions. The wet lab will follow immediately in this morning section


*Sunday Session 5 Topic: Surgical Extractions Feline Exodontia  (Seminar and wet lab )

Start Time of Session: Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m (lecture)  9:30 a.m 12:00 p.m (lab)

Stop Time of Session: Sunday 12:00 p.m.

Total hours of CE: 4 hours of CE

Method of Delivery: (Interactive Seminar Lecture + hands on Lecture)

Subject Matter:

·       Indications for Exodontia in cats

·       Retained teeth, traumatic fractures, Impactions, Disarming, Treatment for LPGS in cats

·       Procedures for surgical extractions of the canine teeth, maxillary and mandibular  premolars and molars

·       Instrumentation and Materials for Feline Exodontia

·       Laboratory in flap design, bone reductions, elevation technique and closure


Session 6 Objective:  Both cancer and facial trauma are common occurrences. The practitioner’s assessment of the oral cavity and client education to the specific pathology confronted is paramount to establishing a diagnosis and treatment plan of neoplasia and traumatic injuries. Approaches to the treatment of oncologic and traumatic oral disease is thoroughly explained through the use of power point presentations that are rich in images and clinical applications and the appropriate neoplastic resections and traumatic repairs are covered with captioned video.


Sunday Session 6 Topic: Oral Oncology and treatment: Jaw fracture repair (interactive seminar and wet lab)

Start & Stop Time of Session: Sunday 12:45 p.m – 2:00 p.m  lecture (Oncology & Fracture repair

Start & Stop Time of Session: Sunday 2:00 p.m – 5:15 p.m. laboratory

Total Hours of CE: 4.5  hours of CE

Method of Delivery: (Seminar and Hands-on Wetlab)


Contact: Info@AnimalDentalTraining.com
Website: http://AnimalDentalTraining.com